Wednesday, 5 November 2014
What's Your Fitness Age?
Wednesday, 15 October 2014
Why don't we ask any more?
Wednesday, 10 September 2014
Early Retirement Plan (ERP) makes me lonely.
Wednesday, 3 September 2014
Die at work?
Friday, 15 August 2014
Breakfast in Sydney and Dinner in Bali
Having the same boring cereals in the office would not be this special without the fact that I will be in Bali tonight. I even didn't mind that full cream milk was run out and only fat free milk which I would never choose was left in the fridge for my breakfast. Nothing could bother my uplifted mood. I am very excited.
This is the first abroad trip since we came back from the last long, 5 month trip. Wow... We have let the 9 months passed unconsciously. Being mindless on time is always painful as our life is finite. We have diligently made short trips with family and friends but it has been a while we fly out to overseas so this trip excites me more than usual.
"Again? How many times you are going away?"
This is most of my colleagues' reaction about our continuous trips. I do admit that my husband and I may have bit of wonderer's blood but I don't think that our trips are extraordinary or extreme. '4 weeks a year', the only time officially given (as an employee) cannot be enough to us. Both of us take our time very seriously. 'Who is not?' However, many people don't seem to care about wasting their only life in the tiny cubicles. I hope my observation is wrong. So, we try to spend time as much possible for traveling which brings a new breeze into our life. Money? is always a big deal, isn't it? We still travel like a student in order to travel as many times as possible.
Travel has become one of the most important parts of our life.The reasons are simple.
Travel offers 'Changes' which make our life fuller. I trust that we all need changes any stages in our life, either bad time or good time, boring time or exciting time, hard time or easy time, etc...Changes can refresh and energise us. Different places, different people, different cultures and lifestyles excite me. New experience opens up my mind. It dilutes prejudice and perceptions on others, and opens up my understanding in differences.Learning and experiencing new things allow me to accept the nature of difference and also grows me up.
One of the best parts of travel is relaxing and recharging my mind and body. Getting away from ordinary daily life offers special relaxation feeling that I needed.
What can beat the excitement of travelling. From the moment, start looking for a destination to go, my life gets brighter. Having something to look for is like unwrapping a Christmas present.
Anywhere I go, actual value of money is different. I feel richer in some countries such as Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam, etc.. but certainly not in many European countries. in Switzerland, all we could afford was stuff on sales in local supermarkets. Value of money that we earn and have can be easily ignored unless we travel. knowing the real value of money opens opportunities and life options that can be extremely useful for our future decisions.
zźAs we travel more often, size of our luggage gets smaller and lighter. I still remember that our first trip to Europe, our luggage was ridiculously big and heavy. Trip for 2 weeks in bali doesn't require too many stuff any more.Travel teaches me how to live simple life and how good to have less.
Travel with loved ones is simply the best way to get closer to each other. Spending time and experiencing memorable moments together is priceless. Trust me.Travelling is one of the main reasons how we can be still like honeymooners after 13 years of being together.
What I actually wanted to say was my undeniable excitement but as usual I talked more than necessary. All I want to say to you is go travel and enjoy your life. Because it is worthy. It doesn't seem to be real that I will have dinner in Bali when I am sitting in th office in Sydney at the moment but it is just amazing to imagine myself in Bali tonight. How good is that!!!
Tuesday, 5 August 2014
Stress Can Kill You
have been through in Australia is very similar to ours (both of them are immigrants from overseas as well). So, when they said that they wanted to come over for a chat, we welcomed them delightfully.
been having a very stressful time at work. New job, new position, deadlines, unachievable target, annoying managers, intolerable pressure, etc…. (Welcome to the normal work life Ms!). Returning to workforce from the long break stresses her too much and she seemed to look for a punch bag (=Mr) in order to release the dreadful stress.