Thursday, 31 January 2013

Positive thinking/affirmations can change our lives.

The greatest power is self-love.
My spirit is pure love

Dr Darren R.Weissman

As we all know, our lives are full of ups and downs. A couple of years ago, the downs visited/attacked me and  I was shattered physically and mentally. I was totally stressed and anxious by low self-esteem and endless depression. All seemed to be going wrong and out of my control. I couldn’t stand myself as I believed that all was my faults.  It sounds bad, doesn’t it? Yes, it was quite bad. I was desperate to find any way to get out of the stress and depression and luckily I was introduced Louise Hay and her positive philosophy through one of my good friends.

Simply what she says (how I understood) is practicing positive thinking and affirmation can change our inner thoughts unconsciously and the inner thoughts can change our lives. Did I believe it? Yes, I did believe the principle of her philosophy but I was not really convinced to try it. But I didn’t have any other options so I tried it. While I was driving, while I was running on a treadmill, while I was feeling down... I tried to read out the affirmations. I guess I was looked bit weird to others around but I didn’t have enough energy to look after someone else’s opinions. So, guess what? It worked! I could see/feel that I was slowly back to myself. I do love myself and my life. Every morning I truly appreciate how beautiful life I have.

That’s the reason why I want to share this magic with you. I know that some people will be sceptical about this and I do allow them to disagree. What can be all “RIGHT” to everyone?

So let’s try...  

Please let me give you some tips from my personal experience to get better result.

1.       Have a faith in what your are saying ;  Affirmation is a declaration that something is true (in Wiktionary) so trust what you say.
2.       Do it in front of mirror or imagine talking to yourself.
3.       Read slowly (breath in/out between affirmation)
4.       Do it on a regular basis (Daily affirmation, the more often the better at the beginning).

Here are 20 affirmations ( by Louise Hay) I like to use when I am stressed and in blue. Hope this helps you, too.

An affirmation opens the door. It's a beginning point on the path to change. Every thought you think and every word you speak is an affirmation. Use these daily affirmations and create joyful, abundant life experiences with every word and thought. (Louise Hay)

1.       I realize that stress is only fear. I let go of all fear and I am at peace.

2.       I am safe and secure.

3.       I use my breath to relax and I breathe deeply and peacefully.

4.       I flow with life easily and effortlessly.

5.       I live in a loving atmosphere.

6.       I am a capable person and I can handle anything that comes my way.

7.       I feel more secure every day.

8.       I am centered and focused.

9.       I accept my uniqueness.

10.   I am in the process of positive changes.

11.   I trust myself and I trust the process of the life.

12.   I claim my own power.

13.   Life is simple and easy for me.

14.   I let go of all fear and doubt.

15.   I forgive myself and others and I am forgiven.

16.   I release all guilt and all blame.

17.   I have faith in myself.

18.   I see life with positive eyes.

19.   All life loves and supports me.

20.   All is well in my world.


 Czech autumn in 2011 

Wednesday, 30 January 2013

How to lose weight and get healthier

Getting what you go after is success;
But liking it while you are getting it is happiness.
Bertha Damon

Today is the day we need to start challenging ourselves to get healthier and happier.

My husband I are interested in keeping healthy life style so we quite often talk about health matters, such as how to get healthier, how to control/lose weight,  what to eat, what not to eat, what exercises are helpful, what habits to get rid of, what habits to keep, etc....

Hereunder is what my husband sent to his colleagues and forwarded to me to keep us motivated a few weeks ago. I cannot say everyone will agree with his tips for how to lose weight and get healthier but I think it will be good to share, as his intention is very clear that we need to watch our food habits. Not from tomorrow... from TODAY!!!

10+1 bits to think about:

1)      Change in food habits will give you bigger results than increase of exercise.
2)      Measuring will give you control – weight every second day, waist, km, time, calories.... (use apps as Runkeeper - includes GPS and linked with maps will give you details info about your walks/runs/rides). Measuring makes exercise less boring.
3)      Eat food with high content of water (then it should be less dense and have less energy) as general rule so it fills you up faster with smaller consequences. Unlimited fruit and veggie.
4)      Avoid bad food forcibly and if you really cannot make it, consider it only special treat so it is not too regular. That’s how I deal with my chocolate addiction.
5)      Consumption of ANY softdrinks should be totally avoided. Worst are the energy drinks which I believe should be banned. There is a reason why they are putting extra tax and limits on them as these are extremely damaging to your waistline. 15 spoons of sugar in a coke is a shocker.
6)      Limit meat to couple of times a week as it is high in energy.
7)      Keep in mind that alcohol has very high energy content. Tea and coffee will do just fine (have a decaf if caffeine affects you).
8)      Walk away from the lunch/dinner when you are still very hungry. Thanks to the delay in digestion you will start feeling full about 20min later which makes the last 20min of eating unnecessary. Do you know that when in the lab scientists cut food for rats in half they have lived 50% longer? Rats of course.
9)      Prepare your own lunches. It will give you control over what you eat, gives you variety and as a side effect you will clear your mortgage much faster than buying them.
10)   Don’t eat anything less than 3 hours before sleep.

+1) Water up to 3 litres a day will hydrate you, fill you up and your kidneys will be grateful.

Good luck

Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Today is the day to be proud of my hobby that has been so much pleasure to my life.

Koi Fish Painting with 9 koi fishes represents unity, prosperity and longevity.  (9 Koi Fishes for Longevity)

This is my painting that I did for my colleague for her new house decoration a month ago. I hoped that the 9 koi fish brings  luck, health and wealth to her and her family while I was painting the picture. I was thrilled that she was very happy when she saw my painting and offered me a quite good price for it. I was extremely excited because it was my first earning from my pictures ( I have never thought that someone will love to see and buy MY picture. Haha..). She and my other colleagues have given me tons of encouragement so I can keep painting pictures for myself and others. Lucky me....

I feel so privileged to know that the 9 koi fish picture is hanging on the wall above the fire place in her dining room and being loved by her and her family.