Wednesday, 30 January 2013

How to lose weight and get healthier

Getting what you go after is success;
But liking it while you are getting it is happiness.
Bertha Damon

Today is the day we need to start challenging ourselves to get healthier and happier.

My husband I are interested in keeping healthy life style so we quite often talk about health matters, such as how to get healthier, how to control/lose weight,  what to eat, what not to eat, what exercises are helpful, what habits to get rid of, what habits to keep, etc....

Hereunder is what my husband sent to his colleagues and forwarded to me to keep us motivated a few weeks ago. I cannot say everyone will agree with his tips for how to lose weight and get healthier but I think it will be good to share, as his intention is very clear that we need to watch our food habits. Not from tomorrow... from TODAY!!!

10+1 bits to think about:

1)      Change in food habits will give you bigger results than increase of exercise.
2)      Measuring will give you control – weight every second day, waist, km, time, calories.... (use apps as Runkeeper - includes GPS and linked with maps will give you details info about your walks/runs/rides). Measuring makes exercise less boring.
3)      Eat food with high content of water (then it should be less dense and have less energy) as general rule so it fills you up faster with smaller consequences. Unlimited fruit and veggie.
4)      Avoid bad food forcibly and if you really cannot make it, consider it only special treat so it is not too regular. That’s how I deal with my chocolate addiction.
5)      Consumption of ANY softdrinks should be totally avoided. Worst are the energy drinks which I believe should be banned. There is a reason why they are putting extra tax and limits on them as these are extremely damaging to your waistline. 15 spoons of sugar in a coke is a shocker.
6)      Limit meat to couple of times a week as it is high in energy.
7)      Keep in mind that alcohol has very high energy content. Tea and coffee will do just fine (have a decaf if caffeine affects you).
8)      Walk away from the lunch/dinner when you are still very hungry. Thanks to the delay in digestion you will start feeling full about 20min later which makes the last 20min of eating unnecessary. Do you know that when in the lab scientists cut food for rats in half they have lived 50% longer? Rats of course.
9)      Prepare your own lunches. It will give you control over what you eat, gives you variety and as a side effect you will clear your mortgage much faster than buying them.
10)   Don’t eat anything less than 3 hours before sleep.

+1) Water up to 3 litres a day will hydrate you, fill you up and your kidneys will be grateful.

Good luck

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