Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Show off your weakness

“What is something you are not good at?”

If someone asks me this question, I would be speechless for a while, giving time to allow my brain to pick up something among the numerous things ,while at the same time, avoiding discouraging myself or diminishing my confidence, and not making me look like an utter fool. Let’s see…

I am a BAD cook.

It is not too difficult to admit that I am definitely not a good cook as I don't know how to enjoy cooking. Sometimes I feel sorry for my husband who is the only person who must try my food but he said that he is happy with my cooking skill as it keeps him slim… And I don’t think I want to ponder too deeply the reasoning behind this statement. As long as he is happy, I am safe. Right? :)

Here are some reasons as to why I became a bad cook.

Firstly, I am too busy. Now, before you all stop reading this because you think I’m just really making an excuse, hear me out. I am working full time and I have got various hobbies to fill my days such as daily exercise at the gym, running along the beach, painting, reading, writing stories, updating this blog, etc… These hobbies which make my days enjoyable, take up most of my free time. I have limited spare time and I chose to live doing what I love to do than what I have to do so unfortunately my cooking time/skill needs to be sacrificed.

Secondly, no one taught me how to cook and I did not try enough to learn. My mother is a great cook as she raised 5 kids by her own and she just loves cooking. Her attitude in the kitchen was “Don’t bother me when I am cooking. This is my world and I am enjoying myself too much to share this time with you right now…” when I was growing up. Sounds harsh, but that was our world. This demotivated my willingness to learn cooking and as a result, cooking became my weakness. This is the reason my husband bought quite a few cook books including his favorite Italian cook book but they are standing in a bookshelf and waiting to be used.

Thirdly, cooking doesn't interest me. I really love food and appreciate anything cooked for me but cooking does not appeal to me at all. I am not excited when I am cooking and this feeling makes me to cook as quickly as possible, just to get it over and done with. I believe that everyone has their own passion in certain things as I have in painting and writing. Cooking is simply not my cup of tea so I chose not to push myself to be good in cooking and decided to accept and be proud of my cooking skill. Trust me, ‘showing off weakness’ makes my life heaps easier to handle. We don’t have to be the best all the time, do we?

To accept and be proud of my weakness, I would like to share with you my standard menu for dinner. I have seen thousands of famous chefs’ delicious looking food but I hardly ever had any chance to see someone’s food who can't cook well. So this will be new experience for you and I hope you enjoy it.

My strengths in cooking:
·         I cook very fast (no longer than 30 mins) including chopping veggies which takes most of my time.
·         I cook very simple food with simple way so very simple to learn. Chopping and mixing are my basic and also highest cooking skill.
·         I cook very healthy food (sometimes too healthy). I use a lot of vegetables and variety grains and beans, and prefer fish to meat. I do not use rich or sugary sauces so you can eat as much as you want! 

How to cook a very simple meal (Hereunder)

Hereunder is what I cooked for dinner few days ago. It took me less than 10 minutes chopping and roughly 8 minutes mixing.

Ingredient; pumpkin, sweet potato, onion, chilly, mushroom, carrot, asparagus, left over spinach and bit of rocket salad. These were all vegetables I had in the fridge. Don't forget to put some garlic.

Chop all the vegetables as you like. Mix them in a pan with bit of vegetable oil, put some salt and pepper, mix more, put some eggs, mix more till all cooked. Don’t cook too long as it can destroy all the good vitamins in the vegetables and crispy taste. Put some turmeric powder as it gives good color and special taste. When done, put some sesame seeds and mix gently. It is ready to eat.

What do you think? It is simple, isn’t it? You would already know why my hubby calls me the chopper or the mixer. I enjoyed my simple and healthy dinner that night.

I hope you enjoyed my ‘cooking show’. What I truly wanted to tell you is that being aware of your weakness and showing off them can be a good way to deal with your weakness, instead of hiding or being shy over them. I don’t agree that we need to try hard to change all our weakness to strengths. I don’t mean we should not try to be better but if you push yourself too much it can exhaust and damage your life and your confidence. Be aware of your weakness but do not be shame of it and try to hide it. No one is perfect and everyone has weaker points. So accept that you have weakness but do not let them ruling your life. Talk and show out your weakness. Funnily enough they can be not too bad as you thought and can entertain others like my cooking skill.

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