Thursday, 23 May 2013

How to live simple (Simple living)

One of my favourite Chinese proverbs is “Make yourself empty to make it fuller.”. If you want to make yourself to have free and valuable life, you need to simplify your lifestyle. Possessing too many things will restrain your life from long-lasting enjoyment and freedom of choices. It will limit your freedom, especially financial liberty and force you to do what you don’t wish to do all your life. Do you really want to spend all your life at work to get more ‘THINGS’ which is not necessary or live frugally to get more time for yourself and your family? Simple living is your voluntary lifestyle choice that can offer you abundance of happiness and freedom.

Before I start talking about how to live simple, I have to make sure that simple living needs to be separated from living poor. It involves people’s satisfactory in their life with what they need rather than what they wish for. Simple living is not a difficult task to do or strangle youself to feel poor. Instead of buying a luxurious car or goods to satisfy your short pleasure, book a budget trip for your family for a lifelong memories.  Instead of buying a big/new house with massive mortgage which will keep you at work longer and away from your family, buy a reasonable house so you can enjoy time more with your family. I have to tell you that I am not still fully satisfied on my progress of simple living but the more important thing is I do realize that I have more than I need at the moment and I am willing to simplify my lifestyle.

As I promised earlier, let’s talk about how to make our precious life simpler and more enjoyable.

1. Buy what you really need not what you want. We all have an undeniable craving on new things, good looking things and attractive things but simply we cannot have all what we want to have . There is always personal/ financial limit on consumption so do not over or stretch the limit. Try to live below your limit. Quite often we can hear about high flyers’ bankruptcy. Even though they earned big money but they lived over their financial boundary. How to spend or save is more important than how to make money. Think more whether you really need the item or not before you buy.

2. Do regular cleanup. Check regularly what you have and what you need before you purchase. Everyone would experience that we often buy same or similar stuff without knowledge that we already have them. While I was clearing my wardrobe, I was stunned that how many similar items I have and some of them were rarely used. Knowing what you have clearly will help you to stop buying extra stuff you don’t need.
3. Be yourself and love yourself as who you are. What you have or what you wear wouldn’t verify who you truly are. Keep yourself free from the imaginary perspective that others will value you based on what you have or what you wear. Some of my friends keep buying  brand new luxurious cars to show off which would easily bring down their bank account to the bottom or even to minus. Frankly, I see them with full of sympathy. Be yourself and show yourself as you are instead of disguising yourself by non-necessarily expensive stuff.  
4. Don’t work for your belongings. Our possessions are supposed to be used for us and our life but unfortunately quite often we are being used for having the belongings. If you need to work more or spend more energy to have the things means you cannot afford to have them so don’t buy them. When you have things you can’t afford may offer you short term pleasure but unquestionably will reward you with financial burden. Highly unlikely you can enjoy your life under the financial difficulties.  
5. Life is full of choices and your choice can change your future. Remind yourself opportunity cost you have to pay for instead. If you buy posh furniture and electronic gadgets without considering your financial situation while you are renting, you may lose/delay a change to save deposit for your dreamed house. If you spend a lot of money for a high class holiday, you may lose your opportunities to travel more times which you wish for. Think what is better option for your future and limit your current spending.
6. Compare real value. You cannot live without purchasing things and I don’t think that is the way to live a simple life. Main point is being wise on your purchasing and being realistic on your situation. If you need to get things, find out the real value of the goods. Don’t pay more than their true value. Be diligent to find out the real value of the goods. Internet offers you enormous power to find, check and compare anything you want. Why do you pay more for the same thing when you have to spend your precious life at work to pay?
7. Look for the ways to simplify your life style. As I told you, I am a beginner on simple living as you are so I do need to know more practical ideas or skills to carry on simple living. You will be surprised how many people are trying and already proficient on simple living if you search them (a lot of blogs on the web). Learn the techniques from them which are suit for you. While you apply the techniques into your lifestyle, the attitude toward to your life will be also changed and you will enjoy the pleasure of lightness.
Don’t push yourself too hard to transfer your lifestyle in a short time. Take a time and change step by step. One of main points to have a simple life is achieving a stress free/less life so relax and enjoy the process of the journey to simple living. I have still a lot of things to go through and I can’t wait to do that (I feel so good!).  

Tuesday, 21 May 2013

Simple Living

Recently I have had exceptional chances to read and heard about people who focus on ‘simple living’ and take action to achieve their voluntary lifestyle choice and I couldn’t agree more about the idea and their mind-set on simple life style. Look around how many things we are having which we don’t need. According to Wikipedia, Simple living could be characterized by individuals being satisfied with what they ‘NEED’ rather than ‘WANT’. Do we really need all the stuff around? Do they make us happy or happier? Will our life be out of function without them? Why don’t we stop a minute and think about our endless craving on possessing things?

I have read a news paper about an American couple who give-up three-bedroom house to live the simple life in tiny DIY mobile home. They were living as any ordinary people, who worked hard to buy their own house and tried their best to pay off their mortgage, but the lifestyle exhausted them and they realized that they have been scarifying their happiness for living to work for someone else. So, they decided to practice ‘Simple living’ and they started appreciating their spare time and energy to enjoy their life more by simplifying their lifestyle. I know some people would thing that this is a quite extra ordinary choice to accept. I do not want you to think that living in poverty is ‘Simple living’. Simple living is simply your lifestyle choice which can bring you more quality time for your loving ones and your life rather than someone else’s. It can also offer you work-life balance and stress reduction.

Current society provides higher income to households but unfortunately it requires us to spend most of our days in a tiny cubical space and work for someone else. Surprisingly enough we intend to compensate ourselves by purchasing more and more things. We buy things to make ourselves convenient and happier but quite often the pleasure can’t last long and we find ourselves become a slave of the things to pay off or look after. Having more things will not  bring us happiness when we need to spend more time and energy to get them. It is time to think what we really want from our life and what actually make us happy and satisfied. Very recently, one of partners in a big financial sector got arrested by misusing customer’s money, 4 million dollars. His annual salary was more than 1 million dollars but he couldn’t cope his expenses with his unbelievable amount of salary. He had more than 3 properties, luxurious sports cars and posh things and things. I believe he would be an extremely smart and successful person but he was not wise enough to manage his lifestyle.

Having only what we really need will make our life simpler and lighter. That was the reason one night my husband and I started cleaning our wardrobes and drawers. More than 50 pieces of clothes were either needed to be thrown away or not being used for more than 2 years so we decided to donate the items. While we didn’t realise how many things we have bought unnecessarily, we have stored and stored the needless stuff inside of wardrobes and drawer. I felt quite ashamed to find out same type of tops (some of them were exactly same) which I haven’t even tried. I kept complaining that I didn’t have enough this and that, and finally realise that I have things more than I need. Next morning, we drove to St. Vinnes and gave away most of clothes so some people who need them can use them usefully. On the way back, I could experience invaluable pleasure of lightness. I was happier than having not necessary things at home. I have got still so many things to go through at home to reduce my possessions and increase quality of my lifestyle (not quantity). If you want to join me to make your life simpler and happier, you are very welcomed. I will write some tips for simplifying our life and share them with you in my next blog.

Friday, 17 May 2013

14 Countries and over 30 Places?

Day - 43 Days

Many of my friends and co-workers have noticed about our long break and unusual plan (weird one to some of them), and started asking quite many questions, especially the length of trip and where we are going to go. So, I want to share with you exactly where we are going and from where to where. It has been quite busy to organise this massive trip. Finding places to visit, booking flights, booking hotels, preparing visas, searching for local transportation to move around between cities/countries and organising all the documentations/vouchers in order on the top of my ordinary daily routines made my days very busy but I am happily busy. Doing things for my dream has been absolute pleasure even though I have experienced some difficulties in preparing visas. I will share with you how to prepare and get visas in my another post.

Our trip will start on 4/7/2013 and finish on 12/11/2013 so it will be 4 months and 8 days. So far we have booked all the flights for 14 countries and hotels in 10 cities. It is still long way to go for completing all the hotel bookings as we will visit about 30 different places. So, are you ready to brawse our long trip with me?

This is a map I prepared for you and myself to understand/view the path of our trip simply.

1. Sydney to Bali - Stay in Bali for 3 weeks and travelling around the island.
2. Bali to Ho Chi Minh (Vietnam) - Ho Chi Minh to Vung Tau
3. Ho Chi Minh to Phnom Penh (Cambodia) -Phonom Pehn to Siem Reap
4. Siem Reap to Bangkok (Thailand)
5. Bangkok to Moscow (Russia)
6. Moscow to Prague (Czech) - Visit 4 to 5 cities
7. Prague to Venice (Italy) -Venice to Florence - Florence to Pisa
8. Pisa to Marrakesh (Morocco) - Marrakesh to Agadir
9. Agadir to Amsterdam (Netherland)
10. Amsterdam to Prague - Prague to Zurich (Switzerland)
11.Zurich to Seoul (South Korea) - Visit 4 to 5 cities
12. Seoul to Shanghai (China) - Shanghai to Beijing
13. Shanghai to Delhi (India) - Visit 4 to 5 cities
14. Delhi to Sydney

Are you still with me? As you can see our itinerary, our journey will not be like staying at a luxurious resort and having a relaxing time. It will be quite busy and can be tough on our tight budget but we are willing to see more places and getting unforgettable experiences from each place we will visit. Stay with me and enjoy our journey together as I will diligently write about the journey.

Tuesday, 14 May 2013

Enjoy this moment!

Nothing is permanent.

Several days ago, my elder sister rang and told me a sad and shocking news about my ex-colleague. He is only 36 and has been diagnosed a bowel cancer recently. Unfortunately, the cancer was found too late and spread into many other organs, especially to his liver so he was told that he will have only about 30 days of life left. I simply couldn’t believe what my sister said as I know him quite well. How this kind of bad luck can happen to a such a nice young man and wipe off his precious life so short and so fast! I can’t still believe that his life will be ended soon and I am truly hoping for a miracle.

Quite often I think life is unfair and too harsh to allow or fight back, but I feel powerless to deny the nature of life. I know this shocking feeling will be erased time goes by and this unbearable sadness will be also diluted by my daily routine but I don’t want to forget the unchangeable fact that we need to enjoy every second we have and use it well .We have got given today which some one truly wished to have. Unfortunately nothing is permanent and the time given to us is limited so we are accountable to use it wisely.

Hereunder are what I think how to lead my days/life not to regret.

1 Be positive : Focus on positive side. Nothing can be perfect and always ideal for me so I need to see and focus on positive side. Be optimistic and let it go if it is beyond my control.

2. Do what I want to do. Don’t postpone. : Think about what I really want to do and to be, and plan how to reach my dream, and just do it. Real failure is living on what you don’t want to do and who you don’t want to be.  

3. Express my love : Don’t be shy to express my love and appreciation to others, especially my loving ones. Show my love so they can feel my love. Love is contagious so I will spread it as much as I can.

4. Do regular Check up : Getting old is unavoidable truth to any one and I need to face that I can get more sickness than when I was younger. Therefore I do need to do regular medical check to prevent diseases getting serious.

5. Look after my mind : If my mind is unhealthy, I never can achieve a healthy life. Observe the condition of my mental health and nurture it all the time.
6. Be a nice person : Do something for others. It will make my life richer and healthier.

7. Love myself.
I know these can’t stop bad lucks or unexpected misfortunes but I would be proud of myself that I try my best to make my life valuable. I am glad that we pursue our extra ordinary trip this time. Who can be sure about future? Let’s enjoy this moment!
Good luck to you all!!!

Thursday, 2 May 2013

Where are we at ?

Day – 59

Already many of my friends and colleagues know about our exciting journey and they are also excited to know about how we are getting on, so I believe it is time to update how much progress we have made for the long trip. It has been quite busy/busier for us since we have started our preparation as we has added studying, searching and booking stuff on the top of our daily life. Most of evenings, we have spent discussing the journey, finding flights, booking hotels and organising next destinations. I can honestly tell you it is truly not easy to organise a trip for over 15 countries within 4.5 months especially trying to stay in our tight budget, so sometimes I feel already tired but as we all know there is nothing for free even for pleasure.  There are still long list of things we need to go through but I feel excellent to know we are heading towards to our dreamed destination. “ No Pain, No Gain!”

During the process of searching and finding suitable flights and hotels, I was amazed how much money we could save by searching hard and comparing prices between web-sites. Just today, I saved about $170 AUD by comparing two web-sites for the same airplane, same day and same time flights because one site offered no booking fees and credit card payment fees. We booked hotels that offered big discount, higher reviews with higher number of customers and good locations close to our set budget. I have found that once I start checking hotels,  I tempt to choose better and more expensive hotels so it is very important step to set up a maximum  price you wish to spend. I have also learnt that instead of buying each flight, better buy a flight which includes multi-stops. I book a flight from Prague to Sydney which includes stopover in Zurich and Seoul so we can visit and stay two more places with very little extra cost.

I am recording my travel expenses for our trip. I think it will help us to manage our budget better and also I can find out total amount we have spent after the journey. I know we are funny/weird couple. Anyway one morning we sat together and calculated how much we would spend for 6 months if we stay in Sydney instead of travelling and total was about $19,000 which includes all living cost and one time travel expenses which we would do anyway. It will be very interesting to know how much we will spend for this long trip and what will be difference between them. Don’t you think? Sure, I will let you know.

Here under is the excel spreadsheet that shows our progress and costs so far. These are for two people.

Travel Expenses 7/2013 to 11/2013
20/04/2013Flight Ticket from SYD to Bali (4/7/2013) $     788.00
22/04/2013Flight Ticket from Bali to Ho Chi Mihn  (26/7/2013) $     324.27
24/04/2013Yulia Beach inn Hotel, Kuta for 7 nights  (4/7/2013 to 11/7/2013) $     353.41
28/04/2013Kuta Puri for 12 nights (14/7/2013 to 26/07/2013) $     849.72
29/04/2013Flights from Bangkok to Moscow, Moscow to Prague (12/08/2013 to 17/8/2013) $  1,596.70
29/04/2013Blue Dimond Hotel, Ho chi Minh for 4 nights (26/7/2013 to 30/7/2013) $     129.12
29/04/2013Green Hotel Vung Tau for 3 nights (30/7/2013 to 2/8/2013) $     117.63
2/5/2013Silver River Hotel, Phnom Penh for 3 nights (2/8/2013 to 5/8/2013) $        92.45
2/5/2013Tara Angkor Hotel, Siem Reap for 4 nights (5/8/2013 to 9/8/2013) $     177.20
2/5/2013Hope Land Executive Residence Sukhumvit 46/1, Bangkok for 3 nights (9/8/2013 to 12/8/2013) $     152.94
3/5/2013Flights from Prague to Zurich, Zurich to Seoul, Seoul to Sydney (20/09/2013 to 11/11/2013) $  2,410.98
Total $  6,992.42








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