Tuesday, 14 May 2013

Enjoy this moment!

Nothing is permanent.

Several days ago, my elder sister rang and told me a sad and shocking news about my ex-colleague. He is only 36 and has been diagnosed a bowel cancer recently. Unfortunately, the cancer was found too late and spread into many other organs, especially to his liver so he was told that he will have only about 30 days of life left. I simply couldn’t believe what my sister said as I know him quite well. How this kind of bad luck can happen to a such a nice young man and wipe off his precious life so short and so fast! I can’t still believe that his life will be ended soon and I am truly hoping for a miracle.

Quite often I think life is unfair and too harsh to allow or fight back, but I feel powerless to deny the nature of life. I know this shocking feeling will be erased time goes by and this unbearable sadness will be also diluted by my daily routine but I don’t want to forget the unchangeable fact that we need to enjoy every second we have and use it well .We have got given today which some one truly wished to have. Unfortunately nothing is permanent and the time given to us is limited so we are accountable to use it wisely.

Hereunder are what I think how to lead my days/life not to regret.

1 Be positive : Focus on positive side. Nothing can be perfect and always ideal for me so I need to see and focus on positive side. Be optimistic and let it go if it is beyond my control.

2. Do what I want to do. Don’t postpone. : Think about what I really want to do and to be, and plan how to reach my dream, and just do it. Real failure is living on what you don’t want to do and who you don’t want to be.  

3. Express my love : Don’t be shy to express my love and appreciation to others, especially my loving ones. Show my love so they can feel my love. Love is contagious so I will spread it as much as I can.

4. Do regular Check up : Getting old is unavoidable truth to any one and I need to face that I can get more sickness than when I was younger. Therefore I do need to do regular medical check to prevent diseases getting serious.

5. Look after my mind : If my mind is unhealthy, I never can achieve a healthy life. Observe the condition of my mental health and nurture it all the time.
6. Be a nice person : Do something for others. It will make my life richer and healthier.

7. Love myself.
I know these can’t stop bad lucks or unexpected misfortunes but I would be proud of myself that I try my best to make my life valuable. I am glad that we pursue our extra ordinary trip this time. Who can be sure about future? Let’s enjoy this moment!
Good luck to you all!!!

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