Saturday, 19 October 2013

Things to learn for a long trip

It has been more than 3 months we are on the road and so far we have been travelling over 13 countries. We are sitting in a metro in Shanghai, China, our second last country at the moment. I can't believe that time has passed this fast and we have got only 1 month to reach our final day of the journey. 

It has been absolutely fantastic opportunity to see many unforgettable places and have memorable experiences. Every single day has been unique and special. Meeting old friends on the way was undescribable joy and knowing new people and learning their lives have been also rewarding. Eating each nation's variety food and learning their culture have been truly amazing experience for me. Every single day has been full of excitement and fascinating expectations.

I have been truly enjoying the trip that opens my eyes and mind about the world and our lives. However, I have to confess that it has not been always easy to move to the next new places constantly. Time difference, cultural difference, language difference, diet changes, sudden climate changes, different rules, people's attitudes diffences, etc... All these differences and changes have been challenging me time to time. I believe that many people would like to travel more and longer as we did (We still do). While I am travelling, I have learnt that there are certain skills/attitudes required for a long travel in order to enjoy the journey more. Without them, many people would feel tired and exhausted before enjoying the true pleasure of travel. 

'My home, my castle! '
Yes, I am bit tired of being away from home such a comfortable place for this long time. Especially, unpacking and packing business still bothers me the most. When I wake up in the middle of night for the loo, I can't count how many times I couldn't find the way to the bathroom as we sleep at different hotels constantly. Whenever I reach a new place, I have to deal with my unsettled mind between excitement and nervousness. However, I still love travelling and experiencing new things. I couldn't be proud of us more that we started this journey. The trip has been bringing anomous pleasure and joyment to our life that I have been always wanting to have so I can't complain too much about these little discomfort. 

Again... Whenever I start talking about the trip, I become so emotional that I can't stop appreciating this opportunity again and again. It is time to back to the main topic what I wanted to talk about. If anyone who is planning on travelling for a long period or who wishes to do in future, I would like to suggest you to have/learn the following skills/attitudes. These are from my personal and live experience and I believe they will hep you to manage your trip better and enjoy it more.

1. Keep physical strength and health: Travelling requires good health and strong physical foundation. We have been walking nearly 10 km on a daily basis. While we are moving to another places, we have to carry about close to 10 kg of backpack on the top of 20kg of baggage. Non stop moving and visiting many places can't be achievable without physical strength. There are too many things to do and too many places to see within the limited time so you need to be healthy and strong. Regular exercise will help you to get the strength for a long trip. 

2. Be adaptable of differences : Nothing is same and every place are different any how. You need to be open and adaptable for the differences. differences in culture, religious belief, food, whether, custom, people's attitudes and behaviours, rules, fashion, appearance, language, etc... You will be permanently shocked by the differences and also amazed by them. Open your mind and accept the differences as you will definitely need the attitude wherever you go. 

3. Be patient : Don't expect that every thing will be happening as you planned. 6 hours bus trip can be turned into the 12 hours trip and you might need to wait for hours to get a stamp on your Visa. No credit cards are acceptable when no money exchange offices or banks are around. Buying a train ticket requires hours of waiting and finding out the hotel can be extremely difficult as no one knows what you are talking about. You suddenly feel like an animal in a Zoo as everyone is staring at you. Unexpected things can happen more often than things expected while travelling so be patient. When you get frustrated or feel anxious, the situation can go worse so try to be calm and find out the best alternatives. Being patient is the best wisdom you need during the travel. 

4. Be organised : I cannot promise you that nothing will surprise you if you organise the trip well but I can be sure that you will get shocked less. Plan earlier and confirm before you do. Some people don't like plan ahead but they should be ready for the shocks. Before you move, find out where you are going to, know about the places and prepare yourself on special requirements. Also, confirm your bookings and prepare alternatives. Being well organised will easy your long journey and relax you on the way. 

5. Underestimate yourself: I know you are smart and very capable but don't overestimate yourself while you are travelling unless you know the place as much as your home town. You are a stranger in a strange place. Ask a help to people if you are not sure and avoid doing things which are not necessary. Be modest about your knowledge and ability and behave like a new student who are ready to be taught. It will help you to have a safe journey. 

6. Be careful and be cautious at any time : I don't think I need to emphasise why you need to be always careful and cautious while travelling. Car accidents, food, diseases from mosquitoes, water, thieves, illegal drugs, etc... There are plenty of things you need to know about and be cautious as you don't have enough knowledge and experience about the places. Better be careful now than sorry later. 

7. Be flexible : Frequently you need to adjust or change your plans while travelling. You need to be ready for the unexpected results constantly so be flexible with your plans. Don't leave the decision till the last minute. Allow enough time for just in case. Travel will surely teach you how to adjust yourself to overcome unexpected situations. 

8. Be positive : Remember how much you wished to have the freedom. Every single minute is precious and priceless so do not waste by being negative. Time to time, you will face unexpected incidents or unpleasant moments during the journey ,and you cannot avoid these. Therefore, take them positive way and ignore some which are beyond your control. Being positive has been very important to keep us going. I have been trying to remind this phrase to myself whenever I feel down or worried and it helped.
'Life is beautiful and all is well.' 

9. Keep simple living : Unless you have plenty of money for a long trip, you need to check your spending constantly to keep your budget under control. There are endless things to buy or want to have. There are always better hotel, better food, better things than you can afford and travel mood makes you be more generous on spending. However please remember wherever you go, there will be many reasons to spend more money than you expected during the travel so you will need to keep extra money available for the occasions. Avoid buying unnecessary things as they will become only extra weights you have to carry. Keeping a frugal lifestyle will help you to complete the journey smoothly and also avoid getting financial hardship when you return from the trip. 

10. Have a good company : Some people wouldn't mind to travel by themselves but I do prefer to having a company to share the time and experiences together. I believe that good companionship can enrich the trip more. Sharing the wonderful memories with someone who you like is blessing. I simply can't imagine what if I didn't have my lovely husband with me. The trip has been gluing our relationship stronger and all the experiences we have been enjoying together will be one of the most important connections between us in future. Travelling together will make yourself happier and also safer so I highly recommend you to find good company/companies for travelling with. 

Of course, there are many more things that you need to prepare or know before travelling but you don't need to worry too much as you will need to learn any how on the way. A long trip can be hard sometimes but the pleasure from it is far bigger and stronger so it will compensates all your efforts. After 3 months of trip, I am far stronger and opener than before but still I struggle with the changes occasionally. I admit that I will need to continuesly practice all these essential skills in order to complete our journey happily and safely. 

Our next and last destination is India. Am I ready for the cultural shock?  I am not sure yet but I hope my experience from the last 3 months of trip can support me get through the challenge easier and smoother.
See you in India!

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