Tuesday, 21 January 2014

Jin's new pictures

As I promised to myself that I will put more time for painting this year (as a New Year resolution), I have been trying to be with colours, canvases and brushes as much time as possible. 9 to 5 working life doesn’t offer me too much free time so I have been trying to steal some of my precious evening time with my husband (poor my husband) for painting. After 6 months break made me feel bit awkward to start painting again but I truly love it. The time I concentrate on painting gifts me freedom of mind. I still don’t have enough confidence to say I am really satisfied with my pictures but the most important thing is I am keeping my promise and it brings priceless happiness to me.
These are two of my new babies.
My first one in 2014


My second one in 2014


Rhino said...

So beautiful! How many times have I said sell them! Sell them @ Manly markets. I can so see your work being hung up on a wall, in an architecturally designed multi-million dollar home!

Unknown said...

Thanks my dear friend! I am still not sure if anyone wants to buy my pictures but I will seriously think about it. How about you? Are you going to buy one? hahaha... just joking....