Monday, 9 February 2015

I am back!

Where have I been?


As some animals who need to sleep during winter time to survive the rest of the year, have I been hiding to recharge myself? Have I been extraordinarily busy with anything particular? 

Unfortunately, I cannot think of any clear answers to excuse my absence but let’s say I just needed a break in order to refresh myself to share my thoughts and experiences. I have been bit down and I am trying to push myself up again TODAY.

We all know we need a break sometimes. I respected my feeling that required a break and it truly helped. I stopped writing and also painting in the end of last year. I started missing them but couldn’t dare to start. Finally last week, I held my paint brush and started painting with joy and excitement. Today, I am trying to write again. Honestly, I am having a bit awkward feeling with my writing but ‘start writing’ means far more than ‘good writing’ to me so I will keep trying.

In the end of 2013, when we were travelling in Dharamsala in India, I accidently stepped in a little shop which sells Buddhism decorations. I didn’t go into the shop for buying anything. I just loved the scent from the shop and ended up chatting with the unusual shop owner who was from Norway and decided to live peacefully in Dharmasala as a Buddhist. The end of our conversation she handed me a picture of Dalai Lama, and whispered me (with the unforgettably serene smile) “Relax….”. Any reason, the word stays in me whenever I feel anxious and uneasy.

We all need a time to relax, don’t we?

If you feel worn-out,

If you feel down,

If you feel lonely,

If you feel anxious,

If you feel lost,

Whenever you feel like to escape from our ordinary life,

Take a deep breath in, and out and allow yourself a break until you feel ready as it is our birthright.

I am back! 

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