Monday, 16 December 2013

First week at work

This is my short summary of my first week at work. 
I know many people would wonder how I could manage my first week at work after the long trip as my last blog sounded quite depressing. Yes, I have survived the first week safely without any major issues or problems. Actually, it was much better than I expected (Maybe I took the word, ‘WORK’ too seriously).  

Monday was the worst. Getting up early morning (6am), driving in a horrendous traffic (nearly 1 hour for 15km), finding out all the password to login all the systems (I wrote them down in a notebook before I left but I couldn’t remember which notebook I used for), trying to remember how to use all the systems and answering colleagues how my first day back was going. My brain was moving very slow as my mind was still lying on the beach. The hardest thing was sitting on a chair all day long. I found that my ability on concentration was far lower than ever and my body was itchy due on lack of fresh air and sun. What could I expect after 5 and half months of Work-Free life?  However, main point is I have survived. 

While I was trying to getting back into the reality, I have learnt a couple of things and I would like to share them with you (if you don’t mind). 

Everything will be fine. : Very often we worry more than necessary. I was stressed and anxious to be back. I worried about things which MAY happen but also MAY NOT happen. All my negative ‘what if’ were ended as not necessary worries and I could manage most of things without any big troubles. I was assured that getting stressed and being anxious about what ifs are pointless.  They will not lead us anywhere but only drag us down emotionally and also physically. So, ‘Don’t worry and be happy!’

Nothing has been changed : Many people including myself hesitate making extraordinary decisions because we fear about the changes may occur during our absence. It took us years of time to decide our long trip as we were not brave enough to break the perception. After the trip, I was nervous to come back to face the changes at work but, guess what? I haven’t found anything I am sorry that I have missed. While we were having a lifetime dream, nothing has happened but only time has flown away. What I want to make a point here is ‘Do what you want to do NOW!’.  

I still can’t believe that we have made the trip, we have already returned from the trip and we have been back to the ordinary life. Time is too real that I feel like I only had a very sweet dream. I am sitting in the same desk and same office but I refuse to be the same person as now I know there are plenty of things we need to enjoy and we mustn’t miss out there. What can be our next plan? I am not sure yet but I am certainly open for the new voyage.

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