Tuesday, 3 December 2013

How to overcome daily stress and depression

One of my friends who recently got a new job told me on the phone that she wants to live like me. What? Live like me??? She replied my unclear and doubtful question that she wants to live like me who doesn't have any stress and do whatever I wish to do. All I could do was laughing. She seemed to be pretty stressed and rundown from the new job.

There is no one person who doesn't have own problems. It doesn't matter how critical the actual problems are. All depends on how we take the matters and respond. I am also stressed and trying to fight with my ongoing depression time to time. However,  fortunately I have learned how to defeat the fearful feelings and push myself back up easier than before. It is excellent to hear that I look happy from people especially who are closer to me. This means my approaches toward to my emotional difficulties are working well. Therefore, I would like to share my methods to overcome daily stress and depression with someone who are having an uneasy time. They definitely worked for me so try them and I hope you feel better soon. 

1. Love yourself: Tell yourself that you love yourself everyday whenever you feel down or anxious. We all are born to be loved and deserved to be treated well. Very often we blame and criticise ourselves unnecessarily. Blaming yourself will  lead you nowhere. Be nice to yourself and nurture your mind in order to pull through the hard time. If you don't love yourself, who is going to love you more. Believe me that you are entitled to be loved. Tell yourself how much you love yourself. Loving yourself is the first step of healing.

2. Be positive: I know it is hard to be positive when you are stressed and depressed. However you need to try to be positive. Try to focus on good things what you have than what you don't have. Think about what makes you feel good rather than things what you worry. When you only focus on negative things, your world seems to be filled by darkness but if you move your thoughts onto positive things, your life is far brighter than you think. Look around and realise how many good things you have. Being positive has a tremendous power to overcome your emotional hardship.

3. Do exercise : Physical movements certainly help to manage your mood. Whenever I feel down, I run. When I can only control  my breath, there is no chance to worry about anything. This is not only from my personal experience. Many studies have found that regular exercise is one of the most powerful remedies to treat psychological issues. You don't need to join a gym or do excessive workout. Start with simple excercise. Walking around a park or dancing in your living room can be also good. Believe me. It really works.

4. Find out hobbies that make you happy : Ask yourself what you like to do and what makes you feel happy to do. I like to do painting pictures and writing  blogs like now. When I do what I like to do, my troubles seem to be smaller as my focus moves from the problems or worries onto the hobbies. Giving yourself too much time to think about problems wouldn't help you either overcoming your stress or solving the problems. Giving yourself chance to enjoy doing things that make you happy will ease your stressed and depressed mind.

5. Meet people who are positive : I know you wouldn't feel like meeting people when you are emotionally down but try to avoid being alone, and meet someone who you can talk with and laugh together. People's mood is contagious. When you are with people who are positive and energetic, they can lift up your mood and their positive attitudes may offer you some alternatives that you didn't think about. If you are still not ready for meeting anyone, read books about personal developments such as Anthony Robinson's books. They will give you a chance to review your ways to deal with your problems and find out better ways to handle them.

6. Let it go if it is beyond your control : Unfortunately (also fortunately) we can only handle what we can so don't get stressed or depressed by what you can't. Very often we put too much effort to solve the problems which are beyond our control and get exhausted and devastated by the feeling of failure. Believe me no one on earth can control everything so we are not the only one who experiences unbearable disappointment or stress. So, we need to learn how to let go the problems and relax. Don't forget that we can only do what we can.

7. Get rid of negative 'what if...': Avoid imagining or presuming negative scenarios and making unnecessary worries. I know many people who are suffering 'what if' sickness. I don't want to say that people shouldn't prepare things to avoid risks or difficulties but not reasonable worries will never help you anything anyway. Whenever the negative what if starts invading your mind, try to remove the thoughts and remind yourself that 'All is well.' There are plenty of things to worry in our life so don't try to add up unnecessarily.

8. Avoid comparing with others: Remember that we all are different so don't compare yourself with anyone. Frankly, I find it is not easy to control the feeling of resentment (jealousy). I quite often blame or push myself down by knowing someone else's achievements. I feel depressed and anxious by feeling of failure. What I don't have or what I can't have which others have can be stressful but this kind of feeling wouldn't help us to achieve anything or reach anywhere. We all are unique and special so there is absolutely no reason to compare. So, 'Be youself!'.

9. Look for a professional help : If you think your emotional state doesn't seem to be better or get worsen to control, look for a professional help. Many people think seeking a professional help is the last thing to do or shameful thing but it is absolutely incorrect. Appropriate advices and treatments from them can support your weaken mind before it gets really bad. They can offer good proposals that you can apply. I have experienced several times talking with them and they were very helpful. Don't forget to ask help when you need.

Are you feel bit better? Don't presume you are the only one who is having a hard time and suffering emotional difficulties. There are plenty of people who are living in the worse conditions and misfortune. Appreciate what you have rather than what you don't have. Life is not that bad as you feel at the moment and it will get better. Relax your sholuder and neck muscle and breath in and out slowly. When your mind is calm, look around your loving family, friends and colleagues. Life is wonderful, isn't it?


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