Tuesday, 25 February 2014

Jin's forth picture in 2014

One day, my teenager niece commented that my blog is so boring as I am. Am I? Maybe…
Surely, I can’t satisfy this youngster’s taste but I think I need to take her honest opinion and make my blog bit more interesting. Hopefully, my new picture can make her less bored (as there is not much of my talking J).  
This is my forth picture in 2014. I am quite sorry that my camera cannot capture the real colour of the picture. I wish I could show you the original one. My husband really loves the picture (the colour). Thanks for his encouragement. It is a wonderful feeling to have someone who supports and encourages my passion.

5 Tips to Stay Younger

One of the best time of the week for me is Sunday morning, after the heavy morning workout. I normally spend a couple of hours in the Gym and my husband plays soccer while I am working out. After coming home with extremely exhausted body, we normally have warm and creamy porridge together (He cooks. Haha…) and get ready for a couple of hours of sweet peaceful rest with irresistible Italian strong coffee (He makes. Haha...). It sounds divine, doesn’t it? This is our way of rewarding ourselves for the tough morning work-out and I truly enjoy the time.  I can’t miss to mention about my husband’s favourite hobby, reading a Sunday newspaper with the coffee (Pieces of chocolate can be a bonus). Our Sunday morning doesn’t sound too bad, does it?
Last Sunday was not different except I started painting instead of read a newspaper together. As always, he screamed at me to get my attention as he found something to show and share with me.
“Geeee…. Look at this old lady… look at her belly! Can you believe… that… she is… 73!!!!”
Truly, I couldn’t believe my eyes. I dropped my painting brush immediately and snatched the newspaper from my husband’s hand to confirm the unbelievable story.

Her name is Val and she decided to become a personal trainer at 72 in order to help elderly people to keep their mobility and active lifestyle as long as possible. She became the oldest person ever to register at the Australian Institute of Personal Trainers (AIPT). She added that she still has a rigorous workouts, dance aerobics, tap dancing, intense core classes and yoga. Her story stunned me and her attitude towards to her life moved me, so I would like to share my thoughts of what I learnt from the story  with you.  
1.      Age is only number : I am 42 and running very fast towards to 43. That old? I still remember that when I was about 19 or 20, I refused to think that I would be 40 years old as 30 was already too old to accept but here I am.  I am diligently heading to the older age that I couldn’t even imagine and gently learning to accept the uncompromising truth of ageing. Unfortunately, I don’t believe that age is only number but I truly believe that we can delay the ageing and live much younger, fitter and healthier than actual age. I am 42 but I have never been fitter than now. I trust that I am healthier and fitter than many 20 year old guys and very proud of it. My dedication to active lifestyle definitely slows down aging and lifts up my inner self in order to carry on a balanced life. Look at the body of Val. How would you guess her age, 73? I can easily see her strong and healthy mind through her physical appearance. Remember that we can’t stop ageing but we can delay it and keep younger and healthier body and mind by keeping our life active.
2.      If you don’t use it, you will lose it : This is one of my fitness instructors favourite phrase to motivate us and I couldn’t agree more. Our body is born to be moved and used to be stronger and healthier. With the exception of a genetically blessed few, most of us have to put our efforts to work at building strength through strength-training workouts. Many studies show that lesser-trained people can expect to see their muscle strength and conditioning levels decline faster than well-trained athletes. Our developed and developing world unfortunately created an Inactive lifestyle that includes sitting, reading, watching television, playing video games, and computer use for much of the day with little or no vigorous physical exercise. This lifestyle can contribute to many preventable causes of death and negative health consequences. Therefore, we all need to be aware of the value of active living.
3.      Power of goals : Having goals in life is vital. Living without a hope would be like walking through a lightless tunnel endlessly. How many people would think someone at 72 could make a life-change decision and live the dream. I could feel the abundant of energy from her. I believe that someone who has goals and works towards to the goals are truly beautiful and I sincerely respect their attitude to life. How many famous and rich people who seemed to have more than anyone else sadly ended their precious lives recently. If you don’t know what you want and how you want to lead your life, you never can be out of emptiness. Do not dismiss the power of having goals. Having goals and moving towards to the goals can brighten up our life.    
4.      Healthy mindset : Are you positive? Are you cheerful? Are you energetic? If you are, you can transform any difficulties into happiness. Undeniably, healthy mind can be the biggest asset for us in our lifetime. None of us can have always good time in our life. Unfortunately, we all need to face difficulties and overcome them repeatedly through our lifetime. We cannot change the problems or reverse the time not to have the difficulties but we can control our perception and mindset to manage the problems and worries better and easier. When Val had to cope with grief and loss after her mother’s death, she chose to set up her life back to be healthier and stronger instead of choosing sadness. The issue was not changed but her positive mindset transformed the sadness to a new hope that supported her to overcome the problem wisely. Simply, everything is up to how we think so if you wish to make your life delightful, keep a positive mindset.  
5.      Age is not a weapon: Very often, many people conveniently use their age to make an excuse why they can’t do what they can do. I acknowledge that ageing can limit certain things but it doesn’t stop all. What stops people to do is their fragile mind. My younger sister frequently mentions how old she is, how weaker body she has and how hard to keep fit because of her age instead of acknowledging how sluggish she is. I can witness astonishingly healthy and fit elderly people at the gym every single day. How would you blame your age in front of the elderly people who try their best to keep their physical and psychological well-being?  Ageing is only one of many challenges to carry on in our life so we shouldn’t limit ourselves by excusing our age.
If I could to be younger, of course I would like to be younger but as we all know that it is impossible, so I am happy to work on what I have and who I am at the moment. No one can stop aging but anyone can handle it better if they try. Don’t you want to look like Val when you are 73? Yes, I do. I feel already better for my regular lunch time workout. Don't you want to join me?

Wednesday, 19 February 2014

Five ways to retire early

Whenever I hear about this kind of story, I feel envious and also awfully motivated.  How dare 27 year old man can even talk about ‘retirement’ when most of people only dream about or have to wait until they reach their OLD age. A survey shows the millions of baby boomers pointed out retirement as the most important goal in their life. How about you? Do you want to retire?
Yes, definitely I want to retire as soon as possible. I am not a baby boomer. Many people would think I have got plenty of years to work but I am seriously looking into the ways to achieve the FREEDOM. As the man who proudly retired at 27 mentioned, people would think about me and my idea as crazy, lazy or too ambitious but I chose to put my efforts to achieve what I believe instead of caring someone else’s common perception. Why should we retire only when we are OLD?
Retirement means a freedom of choice to me.  I don’t want to be told what to do, I don’t want to be accessed how valuable person I am by someone else (especially bosses) and I refuse to waste my life for something I don’t wish to do. I want to lead my life the way I wish to live. That is the very simple and clear reason why I want to be free from the employment as soon as I can.  When we know clearly what we want, it is time to work on the goal, isn’t it?  
Leaving the workforce is not easy for everyone. For some, it may never be an option. That is the reason we need to think about it seriously as young as possible. Our parent’s generation could rely on income support from the government  but not for us. The world is experiencing a dramatic increase in the numbers of people who live to old age which means we need to work longer and longer (may be until we die out). Do you really want to work until… D… ? Not me.
Unfortunately (Sadly), I am still in the workforce. I am still told what to do, recognized who I am by others and not doing what I love to do. However, I know that I can retire soon if I wish as I have been working on the goal diligently, and I am very proud of my current situation. Therefore I can share some of my tips to get freedom from the workforce as soon as possible.
1.      Plan and prepare : No plan can lead you nowhere. If you don’t make a plan when and how to be free, early retirement can be only a dream. Set a date. It is not a big deal if you need to change or delay it later as our circumstances can be changed at any time of our life journey. The most important reason why we need to set up a plan is to promise to ourselves. When you set up the date, you will feel more motivated and focused, and it will lead you to start planning how to make the dream comes true. Make a time to think about what you need to prepare to retire on the day you have set up such as financial arrangement, relocation options, future activity plans etc… Don’t forget to write down the plan and encourage yourself to achieve your goal. 
2.      Financial Security : No one would want or can  retire with financial problems. The major question one asks before retiring is, “Can I really afford it?”. If you want to have a freedom from workforce, you need to have a financial freedom. You don’t need to be a multi-millionaire to retire early but you need to be on a position that you don’t need to go to work to live comfortably during your retirement years. Your house is paid off and you have little or no outstanding debt.  That’s a great start, so you have to make a financial plan to reach the stage as soon as possible. Review your expenses and saving histories, and make a detailed plan to manage your financial situation better. Having passive income generators such as a positive investment property, a granny flat or a renting out a spare room for extra income can help you to reach your goal earlier and safer. I know you would feel it overwhelmed. Early retirement doesn’t mean I never want to work again to me. It means I can be financially free that I can live with doing what I wish to do without going to work. Therefore, you don’t have to have all the money for living to retire. When you are free from workforce, you will be open to all other opportunities so keep yourself positive and save up for your dream.
3.      Get fit and healthy : While I was travelling for the 4.5 months, I have seen many retirees who were trying to explore the world which has been a their life-time dream but unfortunately, some of them were not fit and healthy enough to do what they have been wanting to for a very long time. How many people postpone their dream bucket lists until their retirement and they have to face the fact they are not healthy enough to pursue the dream? I choose to retire with fit and healthy body and mind in order to enjoy the freedom that I have been desperately wanting to have. Aren’t you? It doesn’t matter when the day is going to be but it matters if you are not well enough to enjoy the precious time. Make yourself fit and healthy. Don’t dismiss importance of regular exercise and keep healthy diet. Healthy body and mind will support you to achieve your dreams and you can truly enjoy the freedom when you eventually have it.  
4.      Find out what you love to do :  As I mentioned earlier, early retirement doesn’t mean I want to do nothing. I want to live with doing what I want to do. Many people especially who have been in the workforce for a long time eventually end up without any hobbies or interests as 9-5 life tends to destroy human’s identity. Therefore, even though they have been badly wanting to have the free time, they don’t know what to do and how to manage their freedom when they actually have it. Take some time to think about yourself and find out what you like to do, and start doing it now. Don’t leave things to do until retirement. Allocate bit of time of your days to only yourself. I know you can say you are too busy but I also know we all need to have some time for ourselves and we all can find the time if we are willing to do that. I spend the time (my time) for painting or writing and I truly love the time.
5.      Not perfect time. Just do it : Leaving the workforce is not easy for anyone especially who are still not ‘THAT OLD’. However, many young people who know what they want to do and how they want to live choose to live freely nowadays and I do respect them a lot. The age our competitive society set up for us as a suitable age cannot be suitable for everyone. I believe the choice should be made by individuals and individuals’ needs. There is no perfect time for every one so you make your own decision for yourself and your future. Making decision is very important part of our life as it changes our direction, attitude, and also perception on life so make a decision now when you want to retire and work on your dream.  
Do you still think I am crazy, lazy or too ambitious? Maybe… but I am proud of myself that I have decided to choose my own pathway instead of being a follower. As anything can happen to my life, I might need to adjust my planned retirement date on the way. However, I feel far more focused and motivated because I have the goal. I hope you, too.


Thursday, 13 February 2014

Weekly Positive Affirmations - Week 5, 6 & 7

Since 2014 started, I have been looking for 5 positive affirmations every Wednesday afternoon for the following week and it has become a special mission for me and also to my everyday life. Looking for suitable affirmations requires reading more positive affirmations and it refreshes my mindset to be more positive. Frankly, sometimes I feel bit slack to make new weekly positive affirmations but I feel always great after having the new one on the walls. My husband likes reading them out with me so there is one more reason to keep pursuing this mission. Here are last 3 weeks positive affirmations so please feel free to share them with me. Read them out sincerely with definite belief. It works.  




































Wednesday, 12 February 2014

6 tips to achieve New Year’s resolutions

How are you getting on your new year’s resolutions? When we are standing in the middle of February, I believe it is time to review our performance and refresh our determination.
One of my positive characters is ‘persistence’ and I am quite proud of it. Since I set up my new year’s resolutions and bucket lists (see my previous blog). I have been trying hard to keep my promise (especially with myself) and my strong determination has been a great help. There are tons of reasons or excuses not to keep the promise but I just hate that I can be the reason of the failure. If circumstance doesn’t allow me to keep my words, I  will need to accept the situation but I refuse to take that my laziness or lack of commitment can be a cause of breaking the promise. So far, I have been doing great and I am happy to continue my journey till the end of this year. While consciously monitoring my process, I have found some helpful actions in order to achieve my goals easier so I would like to share them with you and hope they can help you to step closer to your goals, too.

1.      Set up realistic and achievable goals : Beside of my determination, another reason that helps me to keep going is the scale of my goals. My goals are neither gigantic nor fancy. They are realistic and achievable. You need to know what you want to achieve and how to achieve them before setting up the goals. If the goals are not realistic, they cannot be achievable so start with small and simpler goals that can give you confidence to move your first step. One of my New Year’s resolutions is completing 100 blogs in 2014. This blog will be my 81st blog so I can already see the brightness that I will reach the goal. Goals are belonging to you to be achieved not to others to be shown so they don’t need to be glamorous.  
2.      Access and adjust goals if necessary : I have always believed that nothing is permanent. Goals are not exceptional. Our circumstances can be changed at any time so don’t be afraid of altering your goals if necessary. If you try hard to keep the goal which is not realistically achievable, you will get only stressed out and disappointed, and ended up ignoring the goal. Access your goals regularly (at least monthly) and adjust the goals as you need. Minimize the goal so that you can try to achieve is always better than not having a goal.  I have found that one of my goals, ‘Start up my own business’ can be bit hard to accomplish this year so I have changed my focus onto preparation of starting up my own business. I am looking into suitable on-line courses to study for the goal instead of being disappointed by the current circumstance. I believe the most important part of having goals is the journey of progressing not only the result.
3.      Set as many small goals as possible on the way : One of Anthony (Tony) Robbins, an American life coach mentioned in his book that our brain needs to practice more on making decisions and the best way is making small goals as many as possible. I was bit reluctant to try his idea as I thought too many goals would squeeze my neck and I would feel constantly under the pressure. However, my concern was useless (as we always worry more than necessary) and I was pleasantly surprised by the result. As many studies show that we only use very limited part of our brain and potential, I could squeeze in some more small goals and easily handle them with main goals. Such as doing push-up 10 times every day, read at least one financial article every day, create positive affirmations every week, spend at least 30 minutes for painting etc… When you have a daily goal (almost like a small promise to yourself) and complete the goal, you can feel priceless pleasure from the achievement (It doesn’t matter whether it is big or small).
4.      Increase the limits : When you start feeling that you are doing well with your goals, challenge yourself by increasing the limits. I started doing push-up 10 times every morning and I have increased the limit up to 25 times every day at the moment. It has changed from 10 to 15, 15 to 20 and 20 to 25. I have always had strong legs but not arms and chest so I set up the goal and I can see that my upper body became stronger. You don’t need to change or increase the limit every day or week or month if you are happy with your progressing but for me it encourages me and makes me feel better. You never know how much you can do more/better if you don’t push your limit so it is worth to try.
5.      Share your goals with people : I know that it can be awkward to show what your goals are and how your are managing them with people around you but it is very helpful. Share your goals what you want to achieve with your partner and close friends. When you share with them, your goals are not only staying with yourself but also with others. You will be more motivated to encouraged to reach your goals as you expressed and assured to your loved ones what you want to achieve. Be involved into other’s goals and discuss with them and encourage them to achieve. It will help to create positive relationships. Write your goals on a paper and display where you can see easily. That will remind and refresh you whenever you feel bit loose.  
6.      Never late : There is no certain time for making goals. If you didn’t have any chance to make New Year’s resolutions, today is the time for a new start. Sit down and think about what you wish to achieve and how you wish to live, and write down some goals. It will bring you a fresh hope to your life. If you already set up some goals but you have been bit sluggish, that is no problem as today is the day to refuel your tank to restart. Remember that being late is always better never so start now.
After about a month, I will revisit this blog and review myself how I have been doing again. I promise you that I will try to keep my words. How about you?

Sunday, 9 February 2014

Jin's third picture in 2014

Whenever I grab a paint brush, I put all my efforts to get the best colour (I like the most) for the best picture but as same as anything in our life, I cannot be satisfied with everything all the time.  I really enjoyed painting this picture but I felt something missing after I completed the picture. Next one will be better? I don't know but one thing I am sure is I will be bit more confident to show my pictures after all the practices. Let's hope the day is coming closer and closer.
Here is my third picture in 2014

Wednesday, 5 February 2014

Is it wrong to look like Asian?

Every morning, the first thing I do is looking at the mirror to find out how I look like (to make sure I don’t look too scary to my husband). During the day, I still look at myself through the mirror countlessly. I used to check to find out how I look like but nowadays, I check if there is anything stuck on my face. Hahaha… 
Okay, let’s talk about how I look like.
I am short.
I have got shorter and thicker legs.
My hair colour is black and eyes are dark brown.
I have a very flat and round face.
I have small and low nose and wider cheek bones.
My skin is yellowish.
I have got a small breast (sorry, too much detail).
I have slanted eyes.
Can you guess where I come from?
‘BINGO!’ Yes, I am Asian and I come from Korea.
This is not the first time I have heard about ‘cosmetic surgery boom in Asia’ but I couldn’t believe my eyes and ears when I read an article, ‘Is it wrong to look too Asian?’ (http://au.lifestyle.yahoo.com/health/womens-health/article/-/21139817/south-korean-reporter-deforms-her-face-with-plastic-surgery/). The article was about Asian-Australian women (especially Korean women) who live in Australia want to change their faces not to look too Asian in order to have common Caucasian features like Miranda Kerr. What The H…!
As I mentioned, I am Korean-Australian. I spent most of my youth in Korea so I absolutely know how ‘outer beauty’ is important in Korea and why many women (even men nowadays) try to change their face and body look like TV stars. I know this would sound bizarre but I witnessed many people have chosen to change their features to look like someone else to get better jobs and more opportunities in Korea. According to a 2009 survey by Trend Monitor, one in five women in Seoul have had some type of procedure. This sounds absolutely unreal, doesn’t it? However, it is real in Korea. Many people in Korea want to have the same look: Light skin, tiny nose, wide eyes with double lids, and a small face with a V-shaped chin. It's commonly accepted in Korea that beautiful women will do better in life: They'll find a husband, get the job they desire, and have people treat them better.
I can clearly imagine that my European husband would shake his head sidewise widely and give me very harsh comments on this craziness. As a Korean woman who was grown up in Korea, I do understand why they choose to do that and how much they are pressed by social perceptions/circumstances . However, I have to say that this ridiculous trend must be stopped. It is vigorously depressing to see when people cannot accept  who they are and how they look like and try to change themselves, and society is encouraging them.
I am Asian, so what is the problem to look like Asian? I truly don’t know.
These are some of my opinions why I don’t agree with using cosmetic surgeries to change their Asian features to Caucasian features. 
I love myself as who I am. I am far from perfect or beautiful but I am living my best life as I am with what I have. I believe no one is perfect and every single person wants to have something they don’t have. I can’t have blue eyes, light skin, long legs and a small face with a V-shaped chin but I have healthy and smooth skin, petite body, short but very strong legs and friendly looking O-shaped chin. I believe that we have to focus on what we have rather than what we don’t have. If we don’t respect and love our own body and mind, who can love them more. Be yourself and respect who you are and what you have.
I refuse to discriminate myself. I am Asian. I don’t believe there is any reason to be discriminated by how we look like. I don’t want to say there is no one discriminate or judge others by how they look like or where they are from. However I take it as people’s natural reaction to something different. People can have their own opinions on anything but I don’t want to be swung by anyone’s unreasonable and inappropriate opinions. I can ignore other people’s foolish comments but I cannot accept that I discriminate myself because of my race. It seems to me people discriminate themselves by disrespecting their origin and trying to change their appearances to be like other race. Be proud of who you are and where you are from as there is nothing to be shame about.   
Chasing beauty is endless. How easy to see people who are totally addicted on cosmetic surgeries to get more beautiful and younger faces and ended up with weird looks? I admire people who try hard to keep their youth and beauty but sometimes it is quite pity to look at them not to accept the natural changes. I choose to old naturally. I prefer to focusing on getting fitter and healthier than making better looking. I have seen many matured people work out at the gym who look fit and healthy and I believe that they are truly more beautiful than who tries to change their appearances only.
I know my opinion will not change anything but I hope one day I don’t have to repeatedly hear that Korea is the most famous cosmetic hub and all Korean women are looking like clones.
Why don’t you look at the mirror and tell yourself how much you love yourself. Be confident with yourself. Don’t you feel better?
Miss Korea clones