Wednesday, 19 February 2014

Five ways to retire early

Whenever I hear about this kind of story, I feel envious and also awfully motivated.  How dare 27 year old man can even talk about ‘retirement’ when most of people only dream about or have to wait until they reach their OLD age. A survey shows the millions of baby boomers pointed out retirement as the most important goal in their life. How about you? Do you want to retire?
Yes, definitely I want to retire as soon as possible. I am not a baby boomer. Many people would think I have got plenty of years to work but I am seriously looking into the ways to achieve the FREEDOM. As the man who proudly retired at 27 mentioned, people would think about me and my idea as crazy, lazy or too ambitious but I chose to put my efforts to achieve what I believe instead of caring someone else’s common perception. Why should we retire only when we are OLD?
Retirement means a freedom of choice to me.  I don’t want to be told what to do, I don’t want to be accessed how valuable person I am by someone else (especially bosses) and I refuse to waste my life for something I don’t wish to do. I want to lead my life the way I wish to live. That is the very simple and clear reason why I want to be free from the employment as soon as I can.  When we know clearly what we want, it is time to work on the goal, isn’t it?  
Leaving the workforce is not easy for everyone. For some, it may never be an option. That is the reason we need to think about it seriously as young as possible. Our parent’s generation could rely on income support from the government  but not for us. The world is experiencing a dramatic increase in the numbers of people who live to old age which means we need to work longer and longer (may be until we die out). Do you really want to work until… D… ? Not me.
Unfortunately (Sadly), I am still in the workforce. I am still told what to do, recognized who I am by others and not doing what I love to do. However, I know that I can retire soon if I wish as I have been working on the goal diligently, and I am very proud of my current situation. Therefore I can share some of my tips to get freedom from the workforce as soon as possible.
1.      Plan and prepare : No plan can lead you nowhere. If you don’t make a plan when and how to be free, early retirement can be only a dream. Set a date. It is not a big deal if you need to change or delay it later as our circumstances can be changed at any time of our life journey. The most important reason why we need to set up a plan is to promise to ourselves. When you set up the date, you will feel more motivated and focused, and it will lead you to start planning how to make the dream comes true. Make a time to think about what you need to prepare to retire on the day you have set up such as financial arrangement, relocation options, future activity plans etc… Don’t forget to write down the plan and encourage yourself to achieve your goal. 
2.      Financial Security : No one would want or can  retire with financial problems. The major question one asks before retiring is, “Can I really afford it?”. If you want to have a freedom from workforce, you need to have a financial freedom. You don’t need to be a multi-millionaire to retire early but you need to be on a position that you don’t need to go to work to live comfortably during your retirement years. Your house is paid off and you have little or no outstanding debt.  That’s a great start, so you have to make a financial plan to reach the stage as soon as possible. Review your expenses and saving histories, and make a detailed plan to manage your financial situation better. Having passive income generators such as a positive investment property, a granny flat or a renting out a spare room for extra income can help you to reach your goal earlier and safer. I know you would feel it overwhelmed. Early retirement doesn’t mean I never want to work again to me. It means I can be financially free that I can live with doing what I wish to do without going to work. Therefore, you don’t have to have all the money for living to retire. When you are free from workforce, you will be open to all other opportunities so keep yourself positive and save up for your dream.
3.      Get fit and healthy : While I was travelling for the 4.5 months, I have seen many retirees who were trying to explore the world which has been a their life-time dream but unfortunately, some of them were not fit and healthy enough to do what they have been wanting to for a very long time. How many people postpone their dream bucket lists until their retirement and they have to face the fact they are not healthy enough to pursue the dream? I choose to retire with fit and healthy body and mind in order to enjoy the freedom that I have been desperately wanting to have. Aren’t you? It doesn’t matter when the day is going to be but it matters if you are not well enough to enjoy the precious time. Make yourself fit and healthy. Don’t dismiss importance of regular exercise and keep healthy diet. Healthy body and mind will support you to achieve your dreams and you can truly enjoy the freedom when you eventually have it.  
4.      Find out what you love to do :  As I mentioned earlier, early retirement doesn’t mean I want to do nothing. I want to live with doing what I want to do. Many people especially who have been in the workforce for a long time eventually end up without any hobbies or interests as 9-5 life tends to destroy human’s identity. Therefore, even though they have been badly wanting to have the free time, they don’t know what to do and how to manage their freedom when they actually have it. Take some time to think about yourself and find out what you like to do, and start doing it now. Don’t leave things to do until retirement. Allocate bit of time of your days to only yourself. I know you can say you are too busy but I also know we all need to have some time for ourselves and we all can find the time if we are willing to do that. I spend the time (my time) for painting or writing and I truly love the time.
5.      Not perfect time. Just do it : Leaving the workforce is not easy for anyone especially who are still not ‘THAT OLD’. However, many young people who know what they want to do and how they want to live choose to live freely nowadays and I do respect them a lot. The age our competitive society set up for us as a suitable age cannot be suitable for everyone. I believe the choice should be made by individuals and individuals’ needs. There is no perfect time for every one so you make your own decision for yourself and your future. Making decision is very important part of our life as it changes our direction, attitude, and also perception on life so make a decision now when you want to retire and work on your dream.  
Do you still think I am crazy, lazy or too ambitious? Maybe… but I am proud of myself that I have decided to choose my own pathway instead of being a follower. As anything can happen to my life, I might need to adjust my planned retirement date on the way. However, I feel far more focused and motivated because I have the goal. I hope you, too.


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