Tuesday, 25 February 2014

5 Tips to Stay Younger

One of the best time of the week for me is Sunday morning, after the heavy morning workout. I normally spend a couple of hours in the Gym and my husband plays soccer while I am working out. After coming home with extremely exhausted body, we normally have warm and creamy porridge together (He cooks. Haha…) and get ready for a couple of hours of sweet peaceful rest with irresistible Italian strong coffee (He makes. Haha...). It sounds divine, doesn’t it? This is our way of rewarding ourselves for the tough morning work-out and I truly enjoy the time.  I can’t miss to mention about my husband’s favourite hobby, reading a Sunday newspaper with the coffee (Pieces of chocolate can be a bonus). Our Sunday morning doesn’t sound too bad, does it?
Last Sunday was not different except I started painting instead of read a newspaper together. As always, he screamed at me to get my attention as he found something to show and share with me.
“Geeee…. Look at this old lady… look at her belly! Can you believe… that… she is… 73!!!!”
Truly, I couldn’t believe my eyes. I dropped my painting brush immediately and snatched the newspaper from my husband’s hand to confirm the unbelievable story.

Her name is Val and she decided to become a personal trainer at 72 in order to help elderly people to keep their mobility and active lifestyle as long as possible. She became the oldest person ever to register at the Australian Institute of Personal Trainers (AIPT). She added that she still has a rigorous workouts, dance aerobics, tap dancing, intense core classes and yoga. Her story stunned me and her attitude towards to her life moved me, so I would like to share my thoughts of what I learnt from the story  with you.  
1.      Age is only number : I am 42 and running very fast towards to 43. That old? I still remember that when I was about 19 or 20, I refused to think that I would be 40 years old as 30 was already too old to accept but here I am.  I am diligently heading to the older age that I couldn’t even imagine and gently learning to accept the uncompromising truth of ageing. Unfortunately, I don’t believe that age is only number but I truly believe that we can delay the ageing and live much younger, fitter and healthier than actual age. I am 42 but I have never been fitter than now. I trust that I am healthier and fitter than many 20 year old guys and very proud of it. My dedication to active lifestyle definitely slows down aging and lifts up my inner self in order to carry on a balanced life. Look at the body of Val. How would you guess her age, 73? I can easily see her strong and healthy mind through her physical appearance. Remember that we can’t stop ageing but we can delay it and keep younger and healthier body and mind by keeping our life active.
2.      If you don’t use it, you will lose it : This is one of my fitness instructors favourite phrase to motivate us and I couldn’t agree more. Our body is born to be moved and used to be stronger and healthier. With the exception of a genetically blessed few, most of us have to put our efforts to work at building strength through strength-training workouts. Many studies show that lesser-trained people can expect to see their muscle strength and conditioning levels decline faster than well-trained athletes. Our developed and developing world unfortunately created an Inactive lifestyle that includes sitting, reading, watching television, playing video games, and computer use for much of the day with little or no vigorous physical exercise. This lifestyle can contribute to many preventable causes of death and negative health consequences. Therefore, we all need to be aware of the value of active living.
3.      Power of goals : Having goals in life is vital. Living without a hope would be like walking through a lightless tunnel endlessly. How many people would think someone at 72 could make a life-change decision and live the dream. I could feel the abundant of energy from her. I believe that someone who has goals and works towards to the goals are truly beautiful and I sincerely respect their attitude to life. How many famous and rich people who seemed to have more than anyone else sadly ended their precious lives recently. If you don’t know what you want and how you want to lead your life, you never can be out of emptiness. Do not dismiss the power of having goals. Having goals and moving towards to the goals can brighten up our life.    
4.      Healthy mindset : Are you positive? Are you cheerful? Are you energetic? If you are, you can transform any difficulties into happiness. Undeniably, healthy mind can be the biggest asset for us in our lifetime. None of us can have always good time in our life. Unfortunately, we all need to face difficulties and overcome them repeatedly through our lifetime. We cannot change the problems or reverse the time not to have the difficulties but we can control our perception and mindset to manage the problems and worries better and easier. When Val had to cope with grief and loss after her mother’s death, she chose to set up her life back to be healthier and stronger instead of choosing sadness. The issue was not changed but her positive mindset transformed the sadness to a new hope that supported her to overcome the problem wisely. Simply, everything is up to how we think so if you wish to make your life delightful, keep a positive mindset.  
5.      Age is not a weapon: Very often, many people conveniently use their age to make an excuse why they can’t do what they can do. I acknowledge that ageing can limit certain things but it doesn’t stop all. What stops people to do is their fragile mind. My younger sister frequently mentions how old she is, how weaker body she has and how hard to keep fit because of her age instead of acknowledging how sluggish she is. I can witness astonishingly healthy and fit elderly people at the gym every single day. How would you blame your age in front of the elderly people who try their best to keep their physical and psychological well-being?  Ageing is only one of many challenges to carry on in our life so we shouldn’t limit ourselves by excusing our age.
If I could to be younger, of course I would like to be younger but as we all know that it is impossible, so I am happy to work on what I have and who I am at the moment. No one can stop aging but anyone can handle it better if they try. Don’t you want to look like Val when you are 73? Yes, I do. I feel already better for my regular lunch time workout. Don't you want to join me?

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