Saturday, 29 June 2013

How To Be Broke.

Many people like talking about and being interested in how to be richer but not how to be broke or poorer so I would like to talk about it based on ‘LIVE’ examples around me. Obviously, no one would ever wish to put themselves into the position they have to worry about money for tomorrow but unfortunately I have seen so many people around me are voluntarily stepping towards to the direction of ‘Being broke and poorer’. Surprisingly, they don't seem to know where they are heading to even though it is very clear to me. I know that I need to mind my business and don’t concern about someone else’s but when I see some people close to me are voluntarily leading their future to the financial disaster, I cannot stop being upset myself. 

Hereunder are simple ways to go broke and poorer. Let's get started!
1. Spend more than you earn
2. Live on future income
3. Keep 'don't care attitude'
4. Keep thinking there is no future
5. Ignore the fact that you are getting old.
6. Live on someone else's perspectives.
7. Do not care about your expenses.
8. Get more and bigger debts (Big mortgage, refinancing, financing on cars, credit card debts)
9. Keep away from the advices from the people who have achieve their financial freedom
10. Blame someone else for your misfortune.
11. Dream about the financial fortune but do not take any actions
12. Ignore learning how to control money and finance.
13. Buy the things who are far more richer can buy
14. Feel ashamed to be honest with your financial situations.
15. Be generous to show off when you can't afford
16. Don't be realistic and rational
17. Be confused between assets and liabilities
18. Keep luxurious lifestyle which you are not belonging to
19. Keep buying luxurious brand goods and brand new cars as they are good to show off
20. Keep the idea that talking about money is inappropriate
21. Think that you deserve to have only the best (latest gadgets and phones, brand new house)
22.Think saving money is an old fashioned habit
23. Believe that one day lottery, gambling will bring you the bright future (0.000000000..........1%)
24. Don't think time is money
25. Don't buy anything on sale. You are too good to buy cheap ones.
26. Don't compare the price. You are too royal to do that.
27. Keep buying things you don't need or already have
28. No plan good future
29. Leave your financial problems to tomorrow or later and enjoy spending today
30. Try to ignore that you are in big financial trouble.

It was very easy to find the ways how to be broke and imagine someone for the each list. If you think you meet some of these categories,  you are most likely joining the 'being broke' group sooner or later so it is time to assess your lifestyle and change them as soon as possible.  How? It is also very simple. Add 'DON'T' to the each list and take actions to change your attitude on money and finance, then I can promiss you that you will get a financial freedom and be richer.

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