Tuesday, 11 June 2013

How to become younger, fitter and healthier

Is age only number?

“40 is new 20???”

Yes?  Yes! Look at these stunning ladies who are over 40 but look better than 20’s. I know some people would argue that they can make themselves look this good and young because they are all world famous actresses and they have to do only make themselves look good. I partly agree that they have more time and money to look after their body than ordinary people like us but I don’t think this look can be achieved by only money and time. We shouldn’t dismiss their strong determination and continuous efforts on their body and health. We have to be honest that it is extremely hard to keep our body in a good shape. We all know how hard to lose even 1kg of weight or 1 inch of size. Therefore I really admire who tries hard to look after themselves look young and healthy.

It is quite harsh to disclose my mature age to public as a woman even though there is nothing I can do or shame about. I am 41 years old. However I feel fitter and energetic than ever. I wouldn’t be able to say this when I was 20. So, I have to give my vote on '40 is my new 20' and ‘Age is only number’.

I still remember the day when my teacher asked us to write down what we want to be at when we are 40. I was only 10 that time and I couldn’t get why my old lady teacher forced us to answer to the ridiculous question. ‘40? Who cares what I want to be at that OLD age... hope I can still alive...’ was all I could think about then but here I am. I became the OLD age and I am still alive with stronger and fitter body and mind. Look around. I can easily see or meet very fit middle aged people everywhere, especially in the gym or on a bike on the street. One of my gym buddies who is over 60 comes to the gym every single day and lifts heavier weights than his 40 year juniors. Each time I see him in sweat, I feel like to give him a big clap that he deserves.
We all are getting old and this fact can’t be modified or stopped. However, we can delay it or allow it to come slower and smoother. How often new world records are created and broken by another attempts!  Our body has incredible capacity to create unbelievable outcomes. My favourite Pilates instructor very often uses this phrase, “If you don’t use it, you will lose it! and I couldn’t agree her more.
So let’s focus on how to win the battle with our age and become younger, fitter and healthier.
1.    Mindset! Mindset! Mindset!: Believe yourself. You can do it. I truly believe anything we want to achieve needs to start from our inerself. Love your body and mind as you have now and promise them that you will try to love and nurture them so they become healthier, happier, fitter and stronger. Your willpower is the most crucial part of transformation. If you want to be younger and healthier, you need to truly believe yourself who can create positive outcome with your strong determination and endless efforts.
2.    Exercise regularly: Our body is designed for moving. Lack of movement can damage and threaten your health. Unfortunately, modern society working condition/arrangement limits out movement and this routine can be a fundamental cause of life threatening disease. If you want to keep you young and healthy, you can’t dismiss or ignore the importance of regular exercise. Exercise can help you to control your weight and make your body and mind stronger and healthier. Studies strongly suggests that regular activity improves human brain power immediately and it could protect us from major memory impairment in the long term. Treat exercise as a meal you wouldn’t dare to miss.

3.    Exercise wisely. I used to run very long distance quite regularly. As I loved running and didn’t know what other exercises to do besides, foolishly I kept running and damaging my knees. Since last year, I have combined many different type of exercise according to my need and I could get better result. For example,  2-3 times of cardio sessions (running, cycling, aerobic/dancing classes), 1-2 times of weight sessions and 1-2 times of yoga or Pilates classes. I have noticed that this change offered me diversity so I could enjoy more and developed body strength  proportionally so I do recommend the combination workout option in order to get better outcome.
4.    Manage your food. I know that it is not easy to control food when plenty of food is available around us but you have  to pay attention to the food and drink you put into your body if you want to keep your youthfulness. Eat less and healthy food. Studies recommended us to consume only 80 percent at meals. When you feel still not full, stop eating as it is already too much when you feel full. Eat wisely: Avoid meat and processed food. Consume more vegetables which contain more water so it can help you to control the consumption of food intake. There are plenty of useful information about what to eat, what to avoid, etc... on the web so educate yourself that you can manage food and your health.
5.    Release stress as soon as possible: Excessive stress can make you ill mentally and physically so try to free your stress as soon as possible. We can’t avoid getting stress or pressure from current lifestyle, economic situation, work place, etc.. so it is very important to cure your stress before it attacks your health. Find out what you like to do and try to engage in the hobby. Take a vacation or treat yourself with spa or massages. Yoga or meditation can be very helpful.
6.    Open yourself: Be with people who you can share your ideas or thoughts. Talk with them and connect yourself with their opinions and views. It will allow you to grow mentally and emotionally. When we are getting old, we tend to close ourselves and stubborn on our opinions and views so we need to interact with others and their views. The world is moving so fast therefore we need to allow the new ideas into our life.
Everything is entirely up to you. If you want to be younger and healthier or if you want to live as you are, you can choose how you want to live. However, remember that your choice will lead your future. If you can keep and stay at 20’s youth and health, wouldn’t it wonderful? I am not talking about avoiding wrinkles or stopping getting old. I am talking about maintaining youth as long as possible and getting old slowly in a great health. If you want this, you can join me. I feel so good!

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