Saturday, 29 June 2013

How to 'Live the Dream'

From this morning, my heart has been beating faster than normal and I can almost feel the movement.
All day I have been trying to calm myself down but it has been unsuccessful and I have decided to enjoy the feeling instead of suppressing it. Yes, I do deserve to enjoy this moment. No more working day left to our extraordinary journey. I handed over my job to a colleague, clean up the desk and left the office quietly with a box of personal stuff yesterday afternoon (not much to bring back after 8 years of work). Until yesterday, sometimes I did not feel it was real and I was stressed on uncertainty but ‘the time’ has arrived as always. Time is cruelly precise so, it impossible to hold it back. if we don’t do the thing we wish to do now, now will never come back to us and value of the thing we wish to do will be deteriorated as time goes by. Therefore, we need to make ourselves available for the precious time and chance. These thoughts make me feel even better and our decision privileged.
While we were discussing about the trips, my husband emphasised that we can achieve anything we want as long as we decided, planed and take actions for it and I can’t agree more. Quite often we dismiss all the opportunities available around us and blame the chances which have slipped away. Calm yourself and look around. There are plenty of opportunities which are waiting of your determination, planning and actions to make your dream come true.
I have been talking with more people about my long break and travels recently, especially who has been told about my leave started being interested in my decision more. Most of people said that they were envious on our decision and travel plans, and they were surprisingly supportive. Also they wish to have similar chances one day. ‘One day’...
I know that everyone’s circumstance is different and everyone has different obstacles to overcome to live on their dreams but achieving what you want to do is not always that hard as we think if you really wish to achieve. These are three steps you need to take to get what you want and live your dream. 
Step 1: Determination - The most important step is the first step and the first step needs to be taken by your wish and your determination.  Find out what you really want to do or want to be and set your mind. Ambiguous dreams can not be achieved. You need to know what you want to achieve clearly. If you know what you want to do, you are already living your dream and it will enlight your life. Set a strong mindset that you want to live your dream and believe yourself that you can achieve what you want.

Step 2 : Plan - As you know what is your dream, the next step is setting up a plan for the dream. Prepare the 'To-do lists'. The list needs to be detailed. Anything can be changed by unexpected future events or circumstances. However, if you set the more detailed plan the better chance to achieve the dream. You don't need to stress yourself by setting up a deadline for the plan but you need to set up a reasonable time-line to encourage and support your determination. The details of the plan can be changed but the plan itself needs to be strongly standing on your determination. I knew that our departure date and leave request approval could be depends on our bosses decision but I was never unsure about our decision so I confidently planed what to do, when to do and how to do for earning what we wanted.

Step 3 : Action -You know what you want and you have got a plan so it is time to take actions. I admit that this step can be sometimes difficult and requires personal strength and persistance the most so many people are likely stop or give up on this step. No pain, no gain. If you don't take action, you never can get what you want. Action on your plan, what to do, how to do and when to do. Quite often, you will be pleasantly surpurised that you did worry more than necessary. If you are confident on Step 1 and Step 2, Step 3 can be easier than you expected.

I have been reading about someone who decided to change their life and live on their dreams and envying them so much, and dreaming about the 'One day' for myself. Here I am now. Instead of being envy them only, I decided to take my own three steps and now I am grabing a chance to live my dream. I hope my personal experience also can motivate and encourage someone to take their own steps to be closer to their dreams. Please remember that if you really want to achieve, you CAN achieve.

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