Tuesday, 16 April 2013

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter!

After farewelling my sister’s family who came to visit us from Port Macquarie (Approximately 400 km up north from Sydney) for the Easter break (I can’t believe that it was already 3 weeks ago.), I could finally enjoy quietness. It was a very pleasant time to be with them but having/entertaining two little kids, 2.5 year old girl n 4 month old boy were quite challenging for us. I have to admit that our life style is quite self-centeredness without kids so every time they come, we need to be ready, especially mentally.

The Easter break was started by their visit. As always, I hid Easter eggs around my house early morning and let my family to find them. Of course, there were rewards for the best one who found the most and for the second best one. Funny thing is I started hiding eggs 4 years ago for kids but adults are enjoying more than kids including my 68 year old mum. She was so keen that I had to whisper her to find at least one. Returning back to childhood for 10 minutes can be priceless happiness.

Preparing and having food together is always one of the best parts of get-togethers. Main event for this Easter what I want to talk about happened after the lunch. As usual, my husband pulled out a ‘weird idea’ (He thought it could be a ‘special idea’.) while we were still munching fruits.

“Why don’t we write down our 5 goals and we can check them next year?"
I knew he wanted encouraging all of us to live meaningfully with goals but I was not sure how my family would take his awkward suggestion. How surprising? None of them even tried to against his proposal and started writing down their 5 goals which they wish to achieve within 3 to 5 years of time. They were giggling at each other, looking over others goals and wrote down their goals on the paper like school kids in front of a teacher.

These are my family’s goals which they wish to achieve within 3-5years time.

Eventually, the weird idea made this year Easter very special as we all had a chance to think about what we want to achieve in the future. Thinking about what we want to do, where we want to be and how we want to make our life different made us to take our life more seriously. Every single second is our opportunity. If we don’t catch it, we will lose it. Next year I will pull out the lists in front of everyone and remind/assess what we wished to do/be this year. I would like to recommend you to practice this with your family or close friends. Encouraging and supporting each other to get better can be truly valuable. I truly wish today, all of us can be better than yesterday.

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